Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Stupid Things People Say.

Apparently there was something "wrong" with Ireland and now its 'better' from the BBC.

Ireland's new multicultural mix
It is almost difficult to remember pre-immigration, pre-multicultural Ireland, such is extent of the change it has brought to the country.
After all, no country can be great without a diversity of people.”"

Really? Gee how did those homogeneous Florentines give us the Rennaissance without being so 'enriched'? How could Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Botticelli, Donatello, and Brunelleschi be so creative..or am I just being euro-centric - a mud hut an equal accomplishment to the Duomo's dome? How did the Athenians give us the greatest architects, sculptors and philosophers the world has known? How did 18th Scotland produce Scott, Adam Smith, Hume, and something like 50% important inventions of the industrial age? And Elizabethian England - how is they produced more great poets than the US has with thirty times the population?

Now, can anyone name me an artist as great as Michaelangelo that arouse from a 'multicultural' country, if such an oxymoron exists? Or a writer as great as Shakespeare?

Lies, repeated, are still lies.

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