The Indian Mutiny
(as promised the proudly politically incorrect guide to the Indian Mutiny)
Today is the Anniversary of the Indian Mutiny of 1857. In recent years, Hindu nationalists, Marxists and other 'great minds' have taken it upon themselves to identify with this cause. Fitting. The mutineers were incompetent, deceitful and cowards. Let us review:
Sepoy regiments stationed near Delhi, egged on by muslims trying to restore Moghul rule stormed the city and slaughtered every Christian - man, woman and child, English or Indian. [already you can see why the mutineers are revered by leftists]
The mutiny spread to cities like Cawnpore and Lucknow. At Cawnpore, the mutineers had promised safe passage to British women and children if they surrendered. The British agreed to the terms and the mutineers, broke their word and slaughtered the women and children first with guns then: "four butchers from the local market went into the Bibi-Ghar where they proceeded to hack the hostages down with cleavers and hatchet".
When news of the mutiny spread, a Scottish regiment, which was on its way to Hong Kong, was intercepted at sea and diverted to India. It was these soldiers, fresh from Scotland, who came to relieve Cawnpore, who discovered the hacked remains of British women and children - some of whom had been thrown down a well while still alive.
It is difficult to imagine what went on in the minds of the Scottish soldiers - never having seen a brown face -probably never to have seen a woman or child murdered in such a manner - to see fair children - with matted blood and wounds that would be considered inhuman for slaughtering sheep. When the members of one race brutalize the women and children of northern Europeans it ignites an unstoppable fire that knows no quenching --I sincerely doubt peoples whose culture includes sati, drowning infant daughters in milk, multiple wives and burning women who don't have dowries can understand this.The Scottish swore their ancient highland oaths that they would let no mutineer live and would not rest until they had avenged the death of the innocents. The fire spread to the other British regiments , and the loyal Sikh and Punajbi regiments, who were ashamed of the cowardly actions of the mutineers and wanted no part in restoring Muslim rule to India.
The British Retake Cawnpore
When the British retook Cawnpore- they first blasted a three foot wide hole in walls surrounding it. The first regiment to go through this breach was often known as the 'forlorn hope' because they would suffer losses as high as 80% often to be turned back.
Both the Scottish and Sikh regiments demanded the right to go through the breach. The Scottish were given the honor. They charged, screaming Celtic war cries (where the 'rebel yell' of the American south come from ). The mutineers saw the onrushing Highlanders. In the same way the Scots have never seen a brown face, the blond and red hair, light eyes, kilts and bonnets were alien to the mutineers. This, along with relentless charge of the highlanders who, despite being splattered with blood and losing great numbers persisted, led the mutineers to believe the Scottish were jjinns - or the souls of the women and children they had slaughtered. The mutineers started to throw down their arms and beg for quarter. None would be given. The Scottish (rightfully) did no spare a man , nor did the Sikhs and others who followed.Eventually some were caught and they were given a fitting punishment:
"the soldiers took their sepoy prisoners to the Bibi-Ghar and forced them to lick the bloodstains from the walls and floor[citation needed]. They then hanged or "blew from the cannon" the majority of the sepoy prisoners"
That was merciful. Once the mutineers had initiated a war started by cowardice, dishonor and deceit, they forfeited any right for mercy beyond inhumane slaughter.The British had the fire of God in them and would march through hot deserts that even Indians (let alone North Europeans) could barely survive, and then go into battle outnumbered and win. Much as it is an overused term, their efforts were literally superhuman.
The mutineers were not only cowards but they remarkably incompetent. At Lucknow they had 30,000 troops and could not take the British garrison there who had 3000 (including a loyal Rajput regiment).
Eventually the mutiny was put down.
So why would Hindu Nationalist, Marxists an others embrace such a dishonorable, incompetent affair? I don't know but its a clear indicator their views and they themselves are rotten, putrid, and may I use the word? yes. Evil. Yes. When you have to lie to support your point of view then chances are that point of view is wrong. There may be some misguided souls among them as there are misguided in any movement, but the instigators. They must know what they are doing.
Is it any accident that nearly all the Indian regiments associated with bravery and honor (words not just bestowed on them by the British) stayed loyal to the British -the Sikhs, the Gurkhas, and better Sepoy regiments? No soldier or any color, likes a coward or a mutineer. There have been some 'loyal' mutinys - men just asking for better conditions but from the start this was clearly not one.
Where the British perfect in India? Far from it. In fact with the exception of Bombay (which was gotten by treaty) and a few other places they shouldn't have been there - but nor should the Mughals , nor should the Aryan invaders and so forth.But wait a minute Knickerblogger didn't you americans 'mutiny'? Nope. George Washington and later Robert E. Lee (God bless 'em)
both withdrew their commissions then took up arms.
That is the honorable thing to do. They fought on the field, and while the Americans did not follow the 'rules' of war as well as the British, overall they fought honorably for an honorably cause. The instigators behind the mutiny were simply hoping for a return to Moghal rule and the typical despotic court intrigue and deception associated with the Orient.They fought like men not cowards. Although he was fighting against 'my people' at least Bose fought 'honorably' as did Ghandi, though they both chose different paths. Associating the cowards of the 57 mutiny with men like Ghandi and Bose does them both a disservice.
Marxism and Cultural Marxism are based on lies - and it is therefore no accident that they are now dressing up this mutiny as a virtue and referring the men like Lee and Washington as "oppressors". (in turn they call the Muslim conquest of rule of Spain a 'golden age' and 'enlightened rule' and the Spanish 'bigots' for reconquering and driving out the Moors. How much clearer does it have to be?
As another side note: among the great martial peoples certainly the Scottish are up there. It is no accident that the border clans who first fought the Romans, then Normans, were always on the frontiers of Anglo Saxon countries - they were put against the Catholics in Ireland, they were the Indian fighters in America, first to push down into Texas and fight the Mexicans and were on the border of the Mason Dixon Line.
war is a terrible thing. But your depiction of the indian mutiny made you an enemy today.
Maybe It IS time we take where you live under our imperial embrace.
So far, Me and my Men have suppressed muslim/arab terror.
Not any more. Have fun in the new world, oh, and thanks for reminding me the sikhs are whores.
a. how are the sikhs 'whores'? are the Gurkhas 'whores' too?
b. What about the depiction made me an 'enemy'? Me simply stating the truth?
c. Muslim terror? You, of course, are aware that the Hindu nationalists are far more violent in India than the Muslims?
as for taking it. You're welcome to try. While americans and english children are being guilt tripped by marxist teachers, do keep in mind we're among the best natural soliders and marksmen in the world -even if you were remotely objective you'd admit this - that is why 30,000 mutineers couldn't take the beseiged garrison at Lucknow of 3000 men (normal assault ratio is about 3-1 so they should have been able to do it with 9000 - less even since for example Brits routinely defeated Mughal (often better armed) armies with less than that 3-1 ratio.
Was googling Scottish regiments in India and came across your blog. You may have views on Cultural Marxism or the Scottish regiments, which is fine, but if you haven't been to India (which is apparent) you wouldn't talk about the events of 1857 the way you did. The situation was a lot more complex than the simplified version you wrote. Might I direct you to the acts of Brigadier General Dyer in Amritsar in 1919 specifically, or generally the systematic and brutal suppression of peoples in the regions of India before and during the Raj.
Furthermore your comments on the Muslim soldiers and the Mughal Empire smacks of racism. So do your comments on sati and so forth. I also condemn those parts of Indian culture, but I don't judge the entirety of a people on those single incidents. Maybe you should look at the acts of the KKK and the Southern attitude to the African slaves before you talk about other cultures you don't know. Maybe you should wonder why the African-American communities in New Orleans were left in the lurch by your majority-elected Republican President after Katrina. Look in your own back yard before you try to dig up others' graveyards looking for skeletons.
Stick to American history and you may not sound like a racist ignorant idiot. Also, do come to India and hang out with some Indians. Not all of us 'drown infant daughters in milk, have multiple wives, and burn women who don't have dowries' - but if that misguided notion justifies your narrow view of white supremacy and brown dirtiness, then enjoy where you are and stay there. Peace.
hello, thank for your comments note:
a. i have been to india, and if you looked around my blog you'll find I love Indian cinema (well 98% of it crap but the great stuff is great, and currently about 99.9% of hollywood stuff is even worse.
b. charges of racism - they are both so absurd and so common day I generally ignore them and they are the usual indicator that you have nothing intelligent to actually say - or as the old saw goes a racist is someone winning and argument with a leftist.
You obviously cannot take criticism of any kind FROM someone white, which makes you exactly what you called me. In any event i am well aware that for example sati is all but non existent these days however female infanticide is still quite common enough to seriously skew the male/female ratios in places like rajastahn (a beautiful place btw)
as for Dyer - and the terrible, violent ugly reaction TO the mutnity you are missing the big point -I agree killing women and children on ANY side is horrible - during WWII we indiscriminately bombed cities like Dresden or firebombed Tokyo BUT that said there is a BIG difference between declaring all out war and saying 'if you don't surrender no one lives' and PROMISING safe passsage - which is what the Mutineers did with british women and children.
in any event I am not judging an entire people, only to say that obvious culture differences make for different values - to monothesitic religions for example - female infanticide is abhorrent - (muslims included) the practice was common in Roman europe.
I welcome questions and discussion here - name calling (of me) you're free to do it - it really doesn't bother me, in fact, i think its kind of funny.
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