Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Corruption Praises Greed....

Silver Praises Ratner

Wonder what sort of over the top praise one can get from a $58,420 contribution to Sheldon Silver's Democratic Assembly Campaign Commitee slush fund? Here's Silver at an awards dinner for Bruce Ratner (the source of that $58,420 in January):


I guess all we need now is an editorial from Mort Zuckerman's Daily News saying "see, politicians agree Ratner's a great guy and AY is a great project"

I find it interesting that so many politicians would line up to praise Ratner and as they get higher on the rings of power they drop their anti-eminent domain abuse, anti-corruption stances and praise Ratner's project (patternson and anthony wiener come to mind) to me its a clear indication that the corruption is that the highest levels of New York State politics and that the media is not only complacent but a willing particpant. I would go as far to say that the situation is worse than Tammany Hall, and probably quietly and firmly run by a small clique of oligarch families - which include Ratner.

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