Friday, October 3, 2008

..and Atlantic Yards is STILL on the Table?

New York State Deficit Grows, Special Session Planned (Update1)

By Michael Quint and Henry Goldman

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- New York Governor David Paterson and legislative leaders agreed at a meeting in New York City today to cut state spending to deal with a $1.2 billion gap in this year's budget as the Wall Street slump spreads through the economy

cuts in education, cuts in transportation, but not a drop trimmed from the hand outs to a greedy, corrupt, billionaire developer who plans to build an unneeded stadium and , at least he claims, 16 skyscapers containing luxury condos and office space.


It looks, rather bad now, doesn't it? that Boss Ratner is still getting his pork? Still, from what i understand, the private sector can't support his folly - government goes where wiser heads fear to tread...I guess its a bit easier to 'tread' with taxpayer dollars.

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