Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Democracy Doesn't Matter.

Despite the fact that the overwelming majority of Americans are against increased immigration, against amenesty - the Senate is ONCE AGAIN trying to push through amnesty.
Congress quietly returns to immigration
A broad overhaul failed this summer, but an array of smaller measures is under discussion, including ways to legalize certain workers.
By Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 17, 2007
WASHINGTON — Three months after Congress failed to pass a broad immigration overhaul, lawmakers are quietly returning to the hot-button issue, discussing narrower measures that address illegal immigrants and low-skilled laborers.

Obviously, the senate is ignoring the mandate and will of the American people - and even if they were replaced the well entrenched burucracy would continue to increase and hustle through as many immigrants as possible -as is the case in Europe.

Clearly the Senate is ignoring the people and the constitution - the only question remains who or what are they listening to?

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