Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Left/Right convergence..


               Sheehan's Rebellion
Cindy Sheehan to take on Nancy Pelosi: some advice for a would-be candidate by Justin Raimondo

I see that Cindy Sheehan is announcing a possible run against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Sheehan's angry that Pelosi has consistently resisted defunding the Iraq war and has staunchly stood against the impeach-Bush-and-Cheney tide sweeping the Democratic/antiwar netroots. Yet it seems, also, that she has had an ideological awakening:

"I was a lifelong Democrat only because the choices were limited. The Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started every war in the 20th century except the other Bush debacle. The Federal Reserve, permanent federal (and unconstitutional) income taxes, Japanese concentration camps and, not one, but two atom bombs dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan were brought to us via the Democrats. Don't tell me the Democrats are our 'Saviors,' because I am not buying it, especially after they bought and purchased more caskets and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more of George's abysmal occupation and they are allowing a melt down of our representative Republic by allowing the evils of the executive branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity."

Hmm she sounds an awful lot like, well me. What is really going on is a battle for the soul of the republic: on one side, well, us, on the other side a globalist elite who wants to eliminate our national borders and sovereignty. Is it any wonder that democrats and republican elite both support open borders, the iraq war and an aggresive middle east policy and of course the federal reserve.... :)

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