Monday, July 16, 2007

It's Not Conspiracy Theory:: NYT Endorses A North American Union...

as if to add injury to insult, in a July 4th Op-ed!
Steve Sailer analysizes it here:

The New York Times, The NAU, And The Burden Of Empire

By Steve Sailer
Published on the Fourth of July, a New York Times op-ed entitled "The Center Shouldn't Hold" by British author Andro Linklater largely slipped through under the radar. Apparently, the NYT felt that his prediction of a North American superstate would warm the patriotic hearts of Americans on Independence Day!

Make no mistake about - big global corporations, and our so called elite, see the nation-state as a nusiance (companies like Forest City , I might add) and they are doing everything in their power to make that nusiance go away - mass immigration is one way to do that, basically ignoring the constitution and existing law is another which is what Bush has been doing.

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