Thursday, October 30, 2008


by steve sailer probably one of the most insightful journalists working today...



The fundamental irony of Sen. Barack Obama’s
Presidential candidacy is that no nominee in living memory has
been so misunderstood by the press and public, and yet no
other candidate has ever written so intimately or eloquently (or,
to be frank, endlessly) about his “deepest commitments.”
While journalists have swarmed to Alaska with admirable
alacrity to ferret out every detail of Sarah Palin‘s energetic life,
the media have drawn a curtain of admiring incomprehension in
front of Obama’s own exquisitely written autobiography, Dreams
from My Father. Because few have taken the trouble to
appreciate Obama on his own terms, the politician functions as
our national blank slate upon which we sketch out our social

While many have supported Obama in 2008 because he
seems to them better than the alternatives, he has also
famously electrified throngs of voters. Yet, the reasons for their
enthusiasm are often contradictory.
In the U.S., Barack Obama turns out to be a man of
the left who seeks to use government to redistribute
wealth to his own race, but who has sought white support
because he has found he is perceived as not really "black
enough" to be a black leader—greatly to his distress. The
evidence for this is Obama's own memoir, which is very
honestly subtitled A Story of Race and Inheritance. Steve
Sailer says: "This isn't a debate between Barack Obama
and some guy named Steve. My book is, fundamentally, a
debate between Barack Obama and his own
autobiography. I'm just emceeing that debate."
Nevertheless, Steve guesses that an Obama first
term will be cautious. He suggests that Obama's true
radicalism will not emerge until after his re-election in
I disagree. I think the contradictions that Steve has
identified in this book will turn any Obama Presidency into
a four-year O.J. Simpson trial and that the consequent
melt-down will compare to the Chernobyl of the Carter
Presidency in its destructive partisan effects.

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