Thursday, February 21, 2008

Is Ratner In Trouble?

If there is a hell, he certainly is, but that's another on earth, rumors fly of the Nets moving the Newark -perhaps the players will be a bit more comfortable playing in an arena where local government takes security a bit more seriously. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be playing basketball in what, if built, will be one of the easiest open terrorist targets in the US.

Perhaps Bruce Ratner & Forest City see the see headlines like this:
Fed Reins in Growth Forecast and are starting to get a little ansy about having a red blot, which isn't going to go away any time soon - on the ledger....

Perhaps they see the collapsing finance market, plummeting revenues and empty condos...perhaps they are beginning to see what opponents have realized for a long time -Atlantic Yards is a very very bad idea.

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